High yield of green and dry matter and crude protein
The height of the plant is 150 cm
Leaf through
Very resistant to lodging
Excellent winter hardiness
The flowers are red-purple, the grains are colored
Pods - from the middle stem
Weight of 1000 grains - 120-130 g (small, it means lower sowing costs)
Suitable for mixtures with cereals (winter rye or wheat (20-40 seeds/m² of ryegrass and up to 200 seeds/m² of cereals)
Cultivated and pure
Quality feed in early spring
A very good appetizer
Under different growing conditions than those found in these studies, cultivar parameters may differ from those given here.
Recommended seeding rate for fodder or green manure: 1.2 million sprouted grains, that is 120-150 kg/ha (in pure cultivation). Sowing depth - 4-6 cm. Sowing at the end of September.
In winter cereal-legume mixtures, we recommend sowing 1.5-2 million sprouted seeds per hectare for cereals (ie 75-100 kg/ha of grain) and 0.6-0.8 million for Arctic. of sprouted grain/ha (ie 75-100 kg/ha of winter fodder peas).